Christ Suffered For Us (Mark 15:1-20)

Key Idea: Jesus, the King over all, was condemned in our place for our sins. I. The King of the Jews, Silent as a Lamb (15:1-6) II. The King of the Jews, Substitute for Sinners (15:7-20) Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for […]

Determined to Die (Mark 14:12-31)

I. Jesus Was Determined to Die He Prepared the Last Passover He Prophesied His Betrayal He Inaugurated the New Covenant He Foretold His Abandonment

The Greatest Ambition (Mark 10:32-45)

Key Idea: May we be men who pursue true greatness according to Jesus through humble and self-sacrificial service. The way to Jerusalem and suffering (vv. 32-34) The way of the world and glory (vv. 35-40) The way of Jesus and self-sacrificial service (vv.41-45)

Three Impossible Tests (Mark 12:13-34)

Jesus’ enemies asked Him three ‘impossible’ questions intended to expose His faults and deficiencies. Should we pay taxes to Caesar? (Mark 12:13-17) How does marriage and remarriage work in the resurrection? (Mark 12:18-27) Of the 613 commandments in the OT, which is the greatest? (Mark 12:28-34) But Jesus answers them flawlessly, and then turns the questions to us: Do […]