Grace and Peace (Colossians 1:1-2)
Theme of Colossians: Living by faith in the Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ.
Baptism Testimonies & Devotional – November 22, 2015 (Colossians 2:12)
Testimonies from our baptism service on November 22, 2015. 0:00-11:41 – Pastor Kim’s devotional 11:42-15:09 – Erica Ko’s testimony 15:10-18:08 – Elena Inamine’s testimony 18:09-20:59 – Zach Chen’s testimony 21:00-23:16 – Laura Prieto’s testimony 23:17-27:24 – Annalee Jin Lee’s testimony 27:25-29:30 – Timothy Cho’s testimony 29:31-34:40 – Christian Suh’s testimony
Living Daily in the Presence of God: Being Gospel Sharers (Colossians 1:24-29)
When Christ is Your Life (Colossians 3:1-4)
As Christians, we must continually set our minds on things above.
Session 1 – Lessons From Paul’s Prayer (Colossians 1:10)
Guest speaker Marlean Felix begins the 2011 Women’s Retreat by examining the theme verse, Colossians 1:10, looking at the reason for Paul’s prayer, the character of Paul’s prayer, and the goal of Paul’s prayer.