Global Outreach

Ministry Overview

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

Lighthouse desires to make disciples of Jesus Christ around the globe, with a specific focus on Mexico and Japan. Wherever God calls us to, our hope is to help establish:

Gospel-Centered Leadership

Encourage and equip leaders to shepherd the church.

Gospel-Centered Local Churches

Strengthen the local church to shine brightly for Christ.

Gospel-Centered Counseling

Train the church to embrace the power of the Gospel in its counseling.

Gospel-Centered Resourcing

Connect churches with biblical resources

Short Term Missions

Lighthouse regularly supports various short term missions trips that grow our members passion for global outreach and help to support international ministries. Previous trips have included home-building in Ensenada, Mexico, VBS in Japan, orphan care in Uganda, and many more.

Interested in Lighthouse supporting your short term missions trip?

Japan VBS Team 2025

Dates: July 18-28, 2025

Purpose: This summer, Lighthouse will send a small team made up of our church members to partner with Logos Community Church in Nagoya, Japan. Logos is a church plant of Lighthouse and was established in 2022. Hide Kawai and Toshi Saito, former pastoral interns at Lighthouse, are the pastors at Logos. Lighthouse has been sending a team since 2017 to help run a summer kids program called Kids Summer English. The VBS will include teaching, crafts, snacks, games, and small groups. At the end of the 5-day program, we will have a Sunday celebration. This will be Logos' church service. Our hope is that non-churched families of the children that attended VBS will be in attendance and be introduced to Logos Community Church.

The application window is now closed.

Mexico Homebuilding 2025

Dates: September 19-21, 2025

More details coming at a later time.

Long Term Missions

Lighthouse loves to partner with brothers and sisters who make it their life's work to commit to global outreach. Our hope is that our long term missionaries feel the full support of the church family as they engage in the world-wide spread of the Gospel.

Interested in long term missions??

Global Ministry Partners

We are privileged to work alongside a number of different ministries in their Gospel efforts.

Christ Bible Institute | Nagoya, Japan
Logos Community Church (Lighthouse Church Plant) | Nagoya, Japan
Children's Hunger Fund