
Ministry Overview

Our outreach ministries are driven by a desire that the church lives for Jesus passionately by sharing the gospel with urgency, so that the world may worship Him eternally.

Here are five different ways you can get involved with Lighthouse’s outreach ministries.

Invite Friends And Family

Personally share the gospel and look for ways to intersect your non-Christian friend and family with the church family.

Invest Your Resources

Steward your time and money by investing in local and global outreach efforts.

Involve Yourself In Outreach Locally And Globally

Join or support short-term missions teams and long-term missionaries.

Inform Your Worldview

Attend classes/seminars on how to share our faith and impact the world.

Intercede Through Prayer

Come to God individually and corporately by praying the gospel will spread for God’s glory.

Outreach Ministries


Build genuine friendships with international students