Junior High Ministry
Meets on Friday nights
Reaching out to our local community
Build genuine friendships with international students
Reaching the world
Exploratory Trips
Extended Partnerships
Reaching the world
Lighthouse Membership
Fellowship with our church family
Help oversee the age-specific children’s classes during worship services.
Frequency: Once a month
“Shadow” and assist those with special needs in our children’s ministry in the classrooms
Frequency: One to two times per month
Striving to develop women into Gospel-centered disciples
Striving to develop men into Gospel-centered disciples
Help meet the needs of others in the church by providing meals, prayer, childcare, visitation—anything to share the love of Christ with those in need.
Frequency: As needed
Seeking to aid in the task of discipleship through training and instruction courses
Regular attendees and Lighthouse members are invited to these friendly, casual sports nights
Join us as we lift our prayer requests to the Lord