Sunday Fuel: Jan. 5, 2025

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

Life Under the Sun

Pastor Kim states “If we don’t see the fleeting, frustrating, and fallen nature of this life, we won’t turn to God who is the giver of life.”

  • What in your life these days has been frustrating or feels futile, repetitive, and/or boring? In what ways does your toil seem to get nowhere? Take some time to honestly admit these to the Lord. Keep them in mind as we go through the sermon series in this book to help you apply what we learn. 

Life Under the Son

Life under the sun is fleeting (“hebel”), yet we are tempted to live as if this world is all there is. In contrast, wisdom is living life under the Son—a gospel-centered life in 1) the fear of the Lord and 2) the light of eternity. 

How might remembering our fleeting lives will end in death and before the judgment seat of God help us rethink how we live today? 

  • What would become important? Less important? 
  • What would you start doing? Stop doing? 
  • Consider how it might impact your key responsibilities: marriage, parenting, work, school, how you spend your time and money. 

With this end in mind, work backwards to today. How would you live your life differently, hoping in Christ? What commitments would you make for God? How might it change how you parent, work, make decisions, spend your time and money, invest in the work of the Gospel? Prayerfully submit yourself under the rule of the Lord as you consider one change you can make as you live with the reality of death and judgment in mind. 

If you are not a believer, consider that you too will need to face the judgment of God. Without Christ, this is truly a fearful scenario. Will you place your trust in Christ, who redeems us from this curse through his death and restores meaning to our toil through His resurrection? If you need help through this, please contact a trusted pastor or friend.

Challenge: Take some time to read or listen to Ecclesiastes in its entirety as we begin this series.