Sunday Fuel: Oct. 6, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

Reflect on your heart:

  • What have been some spiritual milestones in your own life? How might these encourage you in your walk of faith today?
  • How might the truth that Christ holds authority over our church and each heart within it soberly and humbly challenge you in your service, particularly in the area of evangelism? 
  • What are some fears that you have in this area? What are you afraid of when it comes to sharing the gospel? What are the deeper fears beneath these fears? Will you bring them to the Lord, and repent in the areas you need to do so? 

Consider your opportunities:

  • Consider the opportunities you have to be a witness: at school, at work, within your family, neighborhood. Are there people in your life that have yet to hear the gospel? Take some time to: 
  • Confess any fears you may have about sharing the gospel with them. 
  • Remember the gospel truths that can help you to face these fears.
  • Pray for each person that comes to mind, dedicating them to the Lord and declaring your dependence on Him for their salvation. Commit yourself to being available as He provides opportunities. 
  • Prepare yourself for future conversations. Consider your level of relationship with this person. What do you know? How might you present the gospel to them? 
  • What truths of the gospel are hard for you to explain? Take some time to work out how you might explain these areas, using your own words.

Take action:

Consider how you might support the evangelistic efforts of our church.

  • As we move through this month, keep your ears open for ways you can support or encourage one of our church’s missionaries (see Seichi’s message for additional ideas).
  • Are there ways you can make time in your schedule to take a step of faith to serve at the food-packing event or the Fall Festival?
  • Is there a friend or co-worker’s family that you can invite to the Fall Festival?