Sunday Fuel: Sept. 29, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

Evaluate your heart:

Using the five points highlighted from the text, evaluate your own heart in the following areas:

  1. Live humbly (v. 26)

Prayerfully ask God to examine the internal posture of your heart: 

  • Where might your perceptions of God, yourself, or others be distorted? 
  • What impact does seeing God smaller, ourselves bigger, and others as competition have on your relationships with God and others? 
  • Take time to confess these before the Lord. Ask the Spirit to help you to humbly desire His correction. 

2. Restore gently (v. 1)

Pastor David points out that as long as we are true believers filled by the Spirit through our confession of faith in Christ, then Gal. 6:1 is for us. 

3. Bear burdens lovingly (vv. 2-3)

  • What needs or burdens are you aware of? How might you share some of your resources—not just money but also time, expertise, or your energies? 
  • On the other hand, do you have a burden that you need help with? Who can you share this burden with? Will you honestly admit your need and humbly receive help?

4. Take responsibility (vv. 4-5)

  • Take time to test your own work: What responsibility in your life do you need to own and bear? Even if you need help, what part is yours to carry? 

5. Give generously (v. 6)

  • Evaluate your giving and generosity before the Lord? Are you using your resources in a way that blesses them? 
  • Who are some people in your life that generously teach you (or your family) the Word? What is one way you can share generously with them? 

Take Action:

  • As you review your evaluation, what is one action you can take this week? It can be an act of service, but it can also be praying over a future hard conversation you know you’ll need to have. 
  • What aspect of the fruit of the Spirit will you need to draw on? How might sowing this fruit reap great harvest of gospel culture in our church?