Lighthouse Community Church started in 2003 with five elders/pastors and around fifty congregants. We have never had big dreams and grand visions of what we hoped Lighthouse would be. We kept things intentionally simple: preach the Word and try to love people well. By God's grace, the scope and size of ministry slowly expanded, and God has grown Lighthouse from those early years of being a "church in a trailer" to something more than we could ever have imagined.
As God has grown us, he has provided us the resources to be engaged in world-wide missions, contribute to mercy ministry, invest in young leaders, hire and support more pastors, and much more. But more than just the size, what we are most grateful for is God bringing people to faith and changing lives. Our front-row seat to God's grace has been so much more than we deserve.
Our Challenge
However, with the many blessings of numerical growth, we also face a pressing challenge: we are running out of space. Sunday morning worship services can be crowded, the children's ministry classrooms are often very full, and other ministries such as Bridge, counseling, Friday night ministries, and Equip classes are also affected. In addition, we are particularly burdened by how these challenges might be a hindrance for those who are newer or visiting our church.
Our Opportunity
We are embarking on a two-year Generosity Initiative that we’re calling Treasuring Christ, with the aim of raising finances for a future church facility. Our goal is to be financially positioned so that we can secure a new site that would not only allow us to support our current needs, but enable us to steward new ministry opportunities that God provides for us.
We recognize that Lighthouse's growth is God's kindness to us, but it is also a stewardship that He has entrusted to us. This Initiative is not about growing numerically or making a name for ourselves, but we believe it is the next step in carrying out our mission to make gospel-centered disciples who exalt and proclaim Christ. We believe that if we treasure Christ more than money, we will grow as gospel-centered disciples ourselves, and we can passionately and excitedly pursue greater opportunities to make gospel-centered disciples in our community and beyond.
Let’s treasure Christ together!
Pastors Kelly, Ryan, Gavin, Jason, and Kim
Elders of Lighthouse Community Church
Important Dates
“Treasuring Christ’ Sermon Series
March 2 - April 6
Finance Seminar
March 16
Prayer Gathering
March 29
Financial Pacesetters Gathering
March 30
Week of Fasting and Prayer
Starting March 30
Commitment Sunday
April 6
Anniversary Service, Giving Reveal, Contributions Begin
We pray because this task is great, and we need God's help and grace. Pray that God would speak to your heart about how He is calling you to give. Pray for the courage to be obedient to whatever He is asking you and your family to do. Pray that God would multiply our efforts as a church to make gospel-centered disciples. Pray that He would do abundantly more than we ask or imagine.
We hope that 100% of the church family at Lighthouse will join us on this spiritual journey with God and with your fellow brothers and sisters. We are asking you to stand side by side with your church family, to prayerfully consider making a financial commitment to support this vision, and to commit to do what God asks.
We invite you to join us for our Treasuring Christ sermon series on Sundays from March 2 to April 6. We will also be studying this topic in our small groups. We are asking you to be an active, helpful, and encouraging voice as you engage in the study with your brothers and sisters. Learn all you can about God's heart for you and your resources.
We are asking you to give in a way that demonstrates that you truly treasure Christ. Imagine how God might use a people unhindered by the idol of money and who treasure Christ above all things. We trust that as each of us gives generously and sacrificially, God will bear much fruit both in our hearts and in our church.
Why are we embarking on this Generosity Initiative now?
God has been so gracious to us as a church, and as we have experienced significant growth over the past few years, we believe that the best way to prepare for the next chapter is to raise funds to be applied towards a larger new facility.
We believe that moving into a larger facility will allow us to more faithfully carry out our mission to make gospel-centered disciples who exalt and proclaim Christ. By undertaking this Generosity Initiative, we hope to have the financial resources to pursue a future property.
What will this money be used for?
We hope to use this money for leasing or purchasing a larger new facility.
How much money are we trying to raise? What happens if we don’t meet that goal? What happens if we exceed that goal?
We are praying that God provides $7 million through this Initiative.
We joyfully trust that God will provide as he sees fit, and whatever he provides will be no more and no less than what he has deemed to be sufficient for us. If we don’t meet our goal, we will trust God with his provision and rejoice at what has been given! We will continue to steward our existing facility, our finances, and our flock as wisely as we can. We may consider future Generosity Initiatives to continue to financially prepare for future ministry.
If we exceed our goal, we will still trust God with his provision and rejoice at what has been given! Receiving more than our goal would be a tremendous grace, and it would allow for greater flexibility and opportunity in our pursuit of a new facility.
When should I start giving towards my commitment?
After you submit your Commitment Card on April 6, you can begin to make contributions on Sunday, April 27. In order to allow more time for God to grow and transform your heart throughout the Initiative, please refrain from making contributions until then. However, you should continue to make your regular offering contributions.
How long will I have to fulfill my commitment?
Your commitment will be fulfilled over a two-year period (April 2025 to April 2027).
Can I make changes to my commitment in the future?
Yes! If the Lord is calling you to give differently over the course of the next two years, you can let us know at
Is my commitment in the place of my regular offering? Or is it separate?
The Generosity Initiative contributions are being made in addition to your regular offering.
What is the best way to make my contribution payments?
You can make your contributions through Planning Center Giving.
If donating by check or cash, indicate “Generosity Initiative” in the memo line of the check and on the Offering Card.
How do I donate appreciated assets (e.g. stocks, real estate, life insurance, etc.)?
You can contact our finance team at!
How will the money be held once collected? What safeguards are in place to make sure that it is managed appropriately?
The collected funds will be securely held in low-risk financial instruments, such as savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs), to ensure both safety and accessibility. Additionally, we have safeguards in place, including regular oversight, transparent reporting, and adherence to established financial policies, to ensure the funds are managed responsibly and in alignment with their intended purposes.
Will my giving commitment be made public in any way? Who will know what I’ve committed?
We will not make anyone’s giving commitment public. A select number of individuals will have access to the Commitment Cards in order to calculate our churchwide Giving Total. Our standard policy is that giving information is only available to our controller, and our deacon of finance, and select administrators for systems maintenance. All giving information is anonymized when being evaluated by church leaders.
Are those who are not part of Lighthouse allowed to contribute to this Initiative?
Yes! We welcome the generosity of anyone who wants to be a part of what God is doing at Lighthouse!
What is the current status of our search for a new facility?
As of now, there is not a specific location that we are actively pursuing as our next church home.
When we first moved into our current building in 2011, our realtor semi-seriously said to us on our first Sunday, “It’s too small.” In God’s kindness, he was right! Since then, we have retained our realtor to actively monitor the real estate market for possible future locations. While various options have emerged throughout the years, we have not found anything suitable for our needs.
In the latter half of 2024, there was a possibility of leasing another building in our current business park (509 Van Ness Avenue), and while we initially had favorable meetings with the landlord and even a verbal agreement, the owners never offered a formal contract, and our realtor has concluded that the likelihood of us getting that building is very slim.
We are continuing to monitor the South Bay market for a property that will meet our needs.
What kind of facility are we looking for?
We are hoping to find a location in Torrance that includes 60-70k square feet of usable space, which would accommodate a larger sanctuary, more children’s classrooms, office, counseling, and meeting spaces. The site would also need to include sufficient parking spaces. An acquisition of a new space would likely involve significant remodeling, as well as the purchasing of furniture, equipment, and supplies needed to do ministry.
What happens if we cannot find a new facility?
If we cannot find a new facility, we will continue to trust the Lord and be faithful to what he has called us to! We will continue to maximize the use of our current resources, while trusting that God will provide for our future.
The money collected from the Giving Initiative will be held until an opportunity
Is pursuing a new facility the best option for our church? Have we considered other ways to steward our growth (e.g. church planting, satellite church campuses, offsite office space, capping attendance)?
The church elders have considered these possibilities, but each seems to not fully address our issue - either holistically or for the long-term. For example, even a sizable church plant of 100 members would only minimally and temporarily relieve growth pressures and artificially capping our attendance would also mean capping what we believe God is doing through Lighthouse.
The money collected from the Giving Initiative will be held until an opportunity
Who do I talk to if I have questions?
As there are so many aspects to this generosity initiative, we encourage you to contact the church office at or call us at (310) 212-0320 so we can connect you with the right person to answer your specific questions.
The money collected from the Giving Initiative will be held until an opportunity