The Resurrection Rewrites our Story (John 11:1-44)

1.We should believe in Christ because of his POWER

Key Idea: The purpose is to grow our faith by seeing the glory of Christ, as manifest in the power of resurrection.

Practical truth: Trust Christ because he is powerful

A. Belief is more than faith in ideas; it is faith in a Person

Practical Application:

a) Connect theological truths to the person of Christ

b) To grow in faith, get to know Jesus the object of our faith

  1. Approach Scripture differently.
  2. See the truths of Scripture less as facts but more as revelation of his character.
  3. Connect who Jesus is to every day life.
  4. Pray to an actual person.

B. Belief trust that the resurrection rewrites our story.

2. We should believe in Christ because of his LOVE.